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Issuance a branch of the Recruitment Temporary Employment and Mediation Agency

  • FAQ

  • Service Description

    A service provided by the Ministry in order for existing private recruitment agencies and temporary employment agencies to obtain a branch license. This activity means employing a worker with the intention of placing him at the disposal of a third party, whereby the relationship of the worker becomes directly with the agency that has outsourced his services to a third party (the Beneficiary). The activities of employment agencies include mediation activities to bring the two parties and their representatives together to negotiate the terms of the contract and employment, with the aim of establishing an employment relationship without the agency becoming a party.

  • Target Audience


  • Service Procedures

    1. Log in using UAE Pass (for online/ smart channels only)
    2. Submit an application through one of the service delivery channels.
    3. Check that requirements and supporting documents are met for verification and approval
    4. Shortfalls will be reported to the establishment for completion
    5. Upon compliance with all conditions and documents, the application will be approved, and issuance of the license certificate, and the customer will be notified of the approval to complete the payment process
    6. Payment of Federal fees, and bank guarantee or insurance according to the type of activity chosen when issuing the approval
  • Required Documents

    1. Initial approval by the Department of Economic Development to issue a license and reserve a trade name
    2. A diagram showing the location of the establishment
    3. Licensee and legal representative passport copies and Emirates ID cards
    4. A copy of the valid commercial license of the legal company and a copy of the passport and Emirates ID, if any, of the legal representative.
    5. Acknowledgment of the legal regulations governing agency activities
    6. Submitting the credit report of the license applicant, person in a sole proprietorship or a partner in a legal person issued by the competent authority.
    7. A valid Police Clearance certificate
    8. Certificate of Financial Solvency (Bank statement)
    9. Licensee’s Property Report issued by the Land Department
  • Terms And Conditions

    • The Applicant Sole Proprietorship or any of its partners in the legal person cannot be employed by the Ministry or a second-degree relative, either a husband or wife, provided a written acknowledgement of the same is provided by the legal representative of the legal person.
    • The applicant must have a clearly identifiable address solely for the purposes of conducting business with the exception of the case in which the Ministry permits the license applicant to conduct his recruitment activity electronically.
    • Legal representatives of legal persons must submit a written statement indicating their knowledge and acceptance of the legal regulations governing the practice of agency.
    • The license applicant, whether he is a person in a sole proprietorship or a partner in a legal person, should not be an owner or partner in an establishment in which one of the reasons for cessation of the establishments was provided as a result of violating the provisions of the Law Regulating Labor Relationships, its implementing regulations, or the decisions issued in implementation of them.
    • The decree-law prohibits sole proprietorship owners or partners from being convicted of crimes against honour, breach of trust, human trafficking, or any other criminal offense outlined therein, unless they have been rehabilitated in the case of a prison sentence or after the lapse of one year if a fine has been imposed.
    • That the individual institution or persons delegated submit to the Ministry a bank guarantee of not be less than (300) thousand dirhams at all times during the validity of the license in the case of licensing a mediation agency, and not less than one million dirhams in licensing a temporary employment agency and outsourcing or in the case of a combination of the two activities ( Temporary employment, outsourcing and mediation), and it must be renewed automatically or provide an insurance system as an alternative to the guarantee. Issued pursuant to it. The Ministry may allocate all or some of the guarantee or insurance, to pay any amounts due from the agency, for its failure to implement its obligations, or for non-compliance with the instructions and decrees issued thereto.
    • Submitting the credit report of the license applicant, person in a sole proprietorship or a partner in a legal person issued by the competent authority.
    • Changes or amendments to the license details may not be made without a written approval from the Ministry
    • The agency must not have restrictions or fines and not be suspended.
    • Any other conditions imposed by a ministerial decision
  • Timing

  • Payment

    Federal fees:

    • License fees for a Mediation Agency branch:25,000 dirhams
    • License fees for a Temporary Employment Agency branch: 50,000 dirhams
    • License fees for combination of two activities Temporary Employment And Mediation Agency: 75,000 dirhams
    • Except for federal charges, the service is free of charge via MOHRE's website and smart app.

    *Please note that the fees shown above do not include tax and collection charges

  • Relation of service with other service

    Economic Departments - Federal Authority for Identity, Residence and Ports Security

  • Notes:

    The customer will be notified once the request has been completed. Applicants can follow up on their applications by visiting

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