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Friday, September 06, 2024

MoHRE offers 4 services to settle the status of violators and exempt administrative fines during two-month grace period

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has launched four services aimed at rectifying the status of violating workers and exempting establishments from administrative fines during a two-month grace period.

Effective from 1 September and continuing until 31 October, the initiative is being implemented in collaboration with the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security under the slogan ‘Towards a Safer Society’, targeting individuals who incurred violations prior to 1 September 2024.

The services provided by the Ministry include the issuance, renewal, and cancellation of work permits, as well as processing work abandonment complaints. These services are available to those eligible for the status settlement grace period, including individuals with expired work or residency permits and those against whom work abandonment complaints have been filed, whether they are affiliated with establishments or are domestic workers.

During this period, establishments can also apply for an exemption from administrative fines resulting from the failure to provide the Ministry with the employment contract and failure to renew work permits.

The Ministry is now accepting applications for the settlement of violators’ status through its website, the MOHRE mobile app available on the Apple and Google Play stores, as well as at business service centres and domestic workers services centres.

In a press statement, the Ministry emphasised its readiness to receive and process applications swiftly and efficiently, round-the-clock, ensuring that applicants can take the necessary steps to rectify their status through a flexible and streamlined process. As part of the Ministry's ongoing efforts to minimise bureaucracy in its services, the Ministry has integrated its services and eliminated several unnecessary documents and procedures to offer a more seamless and convenient experience to its customers.

Additionally, MoHRE urged violating workers and employers to take advantage of the grace period to rectify their status, offering a renewed opportunity to continue working in the country and resolve previous violations. It also allows violating workers who choose to leave the country to do so without facing legal consequences, by exempting them from financial penalties as per the Federal Law on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Regulation of Employment Relationship Law.

This initiative embodies the UAE’s values of tolerance, compassion, and social cohesion, providing violators an exceptional opportunity to rectify their status and to continue working and living in the UAE with their families while following and respecting the law.

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