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Monday, February 03, 2025

MoHRE reports more than 62.8 million interactions with customers in 2024

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has carried out more than 62.8 million communication engagements with its customers through the Tawasul system in 2024, marking a 22% increase compared with 2023, when the total number of interactions was approximately 51 million.

The growth, which exceeded 11.5 million additional interactions, reflects the efficiency of MoHRE’s customer service, as well as the level of preparedness of the Tawasul system, the confidence customers have in it, and their ability to engage with it effectively and seamlessly across 14 smart and online channels.

This is made possible by the system’s integrated and secure technological infrastructure and advanced processes, which ensure transparency and privacy in service delivery, achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and happiness, and align with future-oriented strategies that support the UAE government’s vision for next-generation services.

The Tawasul system has undergone numerous developments since its launch in 2022, which included upgrading 11 services to meet proactivity standards, in addition to launching 9 direct services that use innovative mechanisms to engage customers in the process of prioritising services based on their needs, discussing challenges they face with MoHRE services, proposing solutions, and implementing them in line with the highest standards of competitiveness, agility, and efficiency.

Hussain Al Alili, Director of the Customer Voice Department at MoHRE, said: “The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation continues to develop its tools to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its services, and meet the highest standards of readiness, competitiveness, and efficiency. These efforts align with our wise leadership’s directives to reinforce the UAE’s role as a pioneer in government services, while ensuring they consistently rank among the best, fastest, most competitive, and most efficient in the world, which in turn, strengthens the UAE’s position as an ideal global destination for living, working, and investing.”

“The Ministry is committed to meeting the growing needs of the business sector in the UAE and keeping pace with the requirements of sustainable development by launching innovative smart services, in line with government directives, the UAE’s vision for driving digital transformation in services, and the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme,” he added.

“The advanced technological infrastructure has significantly accelerated digital transformation in services, in parallel with the UAE’s efficient legislative infrastructure, the competitiveness of the country’s labour market, and its rapid sustainable development,” Al Alili explained. “These foundational pillars have supported the Ministry’s efforts to upgrade its services and enhance its training and development programmes, which helped improve the efficiency of human resources and their ability to meet growing demands and effectively engage with the system.”

A detailed breakdown of the operations conducted by the Ministry through the Tawasul system in 2024 indicates that the total number of inbound and outbound voice and video calls handled by the MoHRE call centre exceeded two million, recording a customer satisfaction rate of 91.1%.

The call centre served more than 7,000 establishments benefitting from the Diamond Tier premium services, processing around 67,000 inbound and outbound communications, in addition to 55,000 proactive communications handled by the account manager for the Diamond category. The premium service provides beneficiaries with priority when responding to calls, along with expedited transaction processing and proactive communication through a dedicated account manager.

Moreover, the Tawasul system processed more than 982,000 digital interactions through various channels, including email, chat, social media platforms, and WhatsApp. The Customer Voice System, for its part, received over 347,000 requests, including feedback, suggestions, requests for technical support, and positive reviews for services.

Meanwhile, more than 8.58 million account statements were sent to establishments via the Tawasul system, providing business owners with monthly updates on their records.

In terms of raising awareness, the Ministry conducted 52 awareness sessions under the Customer Councils initiative, engaging around 9,000 participants to discuss decisions and recent updates. Additionally, more than 47 million awareness messages were sent to customers via SMS, voice messages, email, and WhatsApp, while the volume of interactions recorded through surveys and opinion polls across various channels added up to approximately 3.9 million.

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