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Thursday, December 21, 2023

MoHRE blocks files of 153 employers whose domestic workers caught working for others

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has blocked files of 153 employers, imposing fines on them as their domestic workers were caught working for others.

This comes as part of joint campaigns between MoHRE the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Ports Security, to inspect non-compliant workers across the country over the past two months.

Employers subject to restrictions face administrative penalties, including the denial of new domestic worker permits, and referral to the Public Prosecution to take the necessary legal and financial actions against them, which include a fine of up to AED50,000.

These measures are in accordance with Federal Decree-Law No. 9 of 2022 Concerning Domestic Workers and its executive regulations, which prohibits the employment of domestic workers without work permits or allowing them to work for others without complying with relevant conditions and settling their status. The same measures will also be taken against the companies that employ them.

MoHRE issued a statement cautioning employers against hiring illegal domestic workers or hiring domestic workers who work for others without settling their status. “This is an explicit violation of legislations and poses health and social risks to employers and their families,” MoHRE said.

The Ministry added that it will not be lenient in enforcing the law against violators.

“We call on employers to deal exclusively with licensed domestic worker recruitment agencies, which can be found listed on the MoHRE’s official website and social media pages,” it explained.

“These agencies operate under the Ministry’s supervision, which serves to guarantee outstanding services for employers, including Emirati and resident families.”

MoHRE encouraged customers to report negative practices or any feedback regarding domestic worker recruitment agencies to its call centre at 600590000.

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