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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Developing systems and channels for accessing the Ministry's services.

• Objective and subject: As part of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation's commitment to enhancing its institutional capabilities and improving its performance at all levels, as well as increasing the happiness levels of all concerned groups, the Ministry continuously develops its systems and service delivery channels. This is done by engaging customers and various community groups in the processes of development and updates to achieve specific methodologies and services that meet their needs and expectations. Purpose of the Consultation: To gather feedback and suggestions from users to enhance digital systems and service delivery channels, ensuring they are user-friendly, responsive to their needs, and facilitate access to services. • Expected Outcomes of the Implementation: Developing systems and service delivery channels (website, smart app).

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