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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Awareness campaigns for digital services #my_digital_services

DescriptionWithin the marketing and communication plan adopted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to spread awareness among all segments of society about its services and the approved channels to provide them, several awareness campaigns have been implemented using various communication and marketing tools to raise awareness among community members and customers about the Ministry's updated and approved digital services, with the aim of enhancing their awareness of these channels and increasing their utilisation. The digital services system includes the following channels: website, smart application, call centre and self-service kiosks. The ministry also uses various social media channels to promote its digital services, as well as follow-up and study customers' opinions and observations with the aim of continuous improvement and development.

GoalThis advice aims to monitor the awareness and observations of customers about the awareness campaigns on digital services #MyDigital_Services that are implemented by the Ministry

Expected Decisions of implementationSupportive mechanisms for the effective and efficient implementation of the digital services system.


Continuation of awareness campaigns #services_digital

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