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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Types of work permits

Description: In accordance with Cabinet Resolution No. (1) of 2022 regarding the executive regulations of Federal Decree-Law No. 33 on regulating labour relations, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, has begun issuing 12 types of work permits, allowing establishments registered with the ministry to choose the appropriate ones to appoint its employees and employ the worker, which include a permit to bring in a worker from outside the country, a permit for the transfer of a non-national worker to and from a facility registered in the ministry, a work permit for those who are on the residence of their relatives, and a temporary work permit under which an employee can hold  a job that requires a specified period of time for completion and an important work permit, which is a permit granted to establishments registered in the Ministry wishing to bring in a worker from abroad to complete a temporary work or a specific project with a fixed period.


The part-time work permit allows establishments registered with the Ministry to employ workers under a part-time contract, so that their working hours or working days are less than their full-time counterparts are. The worker can work for more than one employer after obtaining a permit for that from the ministry. The work permit for juveniles also allows the employment of those who have reached the age of 15 years and did not exceed 18 years of age in a facility registered with the ministry in accordance with the controls approved by the law and its executive regulations.


Work permits also include a student training and employment permit. This type of permit allows establishments registered in the ministry to train or employ a student in the country who has reached the age of 15 years, according to specific controls and conditions that guarantee an appropriate training and work environment; and a work permit for citizens/children of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, which allows this type of the permits for establishments registered with the Ministry is to employ nationals or people of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

A work permit is granted to Golden Residency holders upon the request of an establishment registered with the ministry to employ a worker within the country who holds a Golden Residency.

A Work Permit for a National Trainee is granted to establishments registered in the ministry wishing to train a national according to an approved academic qualification.


A Self-Employment Permit is granted to individuals wishing to engage in self-employment independently (on their self-residency for foreign individuals) without the sponsorship of a specific entity or employer in the country and without the requirement of a valid work contract, through which the person achieves direct income by providing his services for a period of time or to perform a task or provide a specific service, whether for individuals or establishments, and whereby this person is not, in any way, an employee of these individuals or establishments.

Goal: This advice aims to monitor the awareness and observations of customers on the types of work permits approved in the UAE.


Development of marketing mechanisms for types of work permits 12 types of work permits under which enterprises can choose the appropriate one for them from these permits to hire workers whether located inside the country or those who are recruited from abroad

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