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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Part Time Decision


The Ministry has adopted flexible work policies that ensure the movement of workers easily between establishments in private sector and allow skilled people to employ their capabilities and expertise in more than one field of work in order to enhance the efficiency of the country's labour market and support its global competitiveness. The Ministry has approved part-time system work model, which is a "contract agreed upon by the employer and the worker (citizen or foreigner) provided that the working hours are less than the usual hours (eight hours per day) and accordingly the worker is allowed to work at the same time for more than one employer without permission from any employer who works for him. The contracting is done according to the contract forms issued by the Ministry, whereby the Ministry permitted direct contracting between the employer and the worker in first or second skill level occupations or jobs applied in the Ministry. The contract between the two parties is in accordance with a set of controls stipulated in the law to allow skilled workers the freedom to contract and work in private sector.



This advice aims to monitor opinions and proposals for developing the mechanisms that support part time work model, and to provide the best labour regulations and legislation for those involved in the labour market.

Make Decisions:

An improvement  and development plan for the part-time work system decision and implementation mechanisms that support the flexibility of the labour market and provide better services to those involved


- Submit periodic reports on the results of part-time work permits

- Development of the work permit systems policy for golden residence and job seekers

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