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Based on the keenness of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to involve the public in developing and improving its services and policies, topics are periodically raised on the website sharik.ae

Occupational health and safety in the labour market


The Ministry has worked on developing an integrated work system to cover occupational health and safety requirements in accordance with three main axes: setting standards for labour housing, providing mechanisms and regulations for the registration of workers' injuries through the development of a national policy of occupational health and safety, which aims to unify and integrate efforts at the national level of the authorities involved in the development and control of the working environment and labour housing and occupational health and safety requirements in order to reduce work injuries and occupational accidents.

The ministry has also worked on the development of the work injury registration system in coordination with the Ministry of Health and local authorities with a view to monitoring and controlling occupational injuries/diseases.

During the period of precautionary measures to address the Coved-19 crisis, the Ministry developed a series of occupational health and safety initiatives, such as reducing the capacity of facilities, providing workers' housing at construction sites, in coordination with municipalities and local authorities concerned


This advice aims to monitor opinions and proposals to develop and improve occupational health and safety policies for workers and enterprises in the private sector and to provide the best services to stakeholders at the government and private sector level.

Expected Decisions of implementation

Proposals for mechanisms for the application of occupational health and safety in facilities


The occupational health and safety file has been transferred from the ministry, and accordingly it is not possible to prepare an improvement and development plan

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