Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Our strategic plan aims at qualifying and preparing the UAE business market through enabling national efficiencies to work in the private sector. aiming to establish a comprehensive system for protecting labour rights, while safeguarding employers’ interests;, as well as providing excellent services to customers Aiming to make the UAE one of the best destinations in the world for living and doing business, in order to strengthen security and maintain stability in the country, including the social structure of many cultures and nationalities, so that the UAE remains a safe haven for international investments and companies. MOHRE’s vision is a labour market in the UAE that empowers Emiratis and attracts talent from around the world. MOHRE's mission is to regulate the labour market, through legislation, policy making, enforcement and partnerships, to promote the participation of UAE nationals in employment, and attract and retain international talent. Proposing federal laws that regulate business and labour affairs and controlling implementation of such proposals Managing the business market and proposing labour policies appropriate for the country Organization of labour relations with the aim of providing stability, increasing productivity and creating job opportunities Participation in the formation of the economic and social policy at the national level Providing excellent services to satisfy users’ needs according to applicable rules and regulations Catering for the organization and supporting labour relations at the international and Arab levels Supporting and encouraging the work of nationals in providing job opportunities for them