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The Ministry has worked to establish, build and manage long-term partnerships with federal and local government entities and the private sector to ensure complementarity of roles at the national level and to enhance the reputation of the UAE at the regional and international levels in response to government directions in partnership and integration of roles and responsibilities. MoHRE has identified external and internal issues pertaining to the achievement of its strategic objectives and linked it to the requirements of partnership with its partners to achieving its strategies.

The Ministry reviewed the areas of partnership management and evaluation development of its overall framework for managing the relationship with partners to invest in the resources and capacities of stakeholders to achieve performance integration and lead results.

It has also adopted the principles of governance structure, operational structure, changes in working methods, common issues resolution process and performance measures, and has defined its activities and processes related to its partnerships with all relevant parties, including: responsibilities and roles, direct impact of cooperation on parties' actions and impact on the sustainability of cooperative business partners in external relations.

The Ministry developed a mechanism to assess mutual cooperation objectives to ensure efficiency of partnerships.

The following is the list of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation’s partners:

Partners List

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